Thursday, April 3, 2014

Pictures and an update!

Saying we are "ready for spring" might be a bit of an understatement!  It has been quite a winter up here!
Putting on two pairs of socks, two pairs of pants, three shirts, an insulated onesie, a coat, headgear, and two pairs of gloves everyday became our routine for the past 4 months.  And I'll just say, all of that makes a bathroom trip quite an ordeal!!!!  Okay...enough complaining....look at that icicle!!

Lookin good Gregg! Building a handrail around the top of the vehicle connector.
UPDATE:  at the end of January, we got a 3 month extension (YAY!) keeping the same schedule we have had (3 days a week). So that extended us until the end of April. BUT, we got a phone call just a few weeks later letting us know that we were accepted as full time temp. Bethelites! We couldn't believe it!! Our prayers had been answered!!!
Here are some other cool things that have happened over the last 45 days:
2/16 - Listed our House for Sale
House Sold in 6 DAYS!!
2/22- House went under contract
3/8 - We got the privilege of seeing Gilead Graduation!!!
3/10 -3/14- Visited Atlanta, GA
3/15-3/18-Visited Columbia, SC
3/13-Received call for full time temp Bethel service
(Yes, we received the call while we were visiting our parents!  what are the odds?  It made it all the better to share getting the exciting news with them!)
3/22 Special Visitor!!!
3/24 - Moved to Bethel housing
3/28 - Closed Sale of House
3/30 - Sarah's Assembly part
Yep, so we sold the house!! How does it feel?  Happiness, relief, thankfulness come to mind.  We are truly free in every sense of the word.  But also sadness... Its just hard to believe it's gone.  We were praying for it to sell, because our goals just don't include moving back to the suburbs and settling down, we plan on staying in full time service in whatever capacity Jehovah will use us, where ever he will use us, and for however long he will use there was no reason to hold onto it. And it is clear that Jehovah played an enormous part in answering those prayers.  I mean....6 days?! No haggling on price, and the buyer even moved up the closing date 2 weeks. 
But was this easy?  No.  We are still human.  Gregg bought the house 15 years ago. We have redone every single inch of it just the way we wanted, and Gregg did most of the work himself.  
We loved that house.   
When I start to have those sentimental feelings, I think about a thought brought out by a  Governing Body member who was talking about the move that the whole branch is making from Brooklyn to Warwick and he mentioned the rich history we have as JW's in those buildings, and how special the Brooklyn Heights area has been to our heritage.  But no one should be looking back...only forward.  He made the point of not being sentimental very clear, and brought out that the GB certainly isn't.      
What we have gained is FAR richer than what we have given up. Selling the house was a GOOD thing and we are thankful to Jehovah for his help in making it happen! We still have to pinch ourselves every day , we cant believe we are really here.  Building WORLD HEADQUARTERS!  We are thankful for each day we get to be here.  Plus look at all the fun we are having!! 
My partner in crime Tristi ...always breaking the of them being, no jewelry on the worksite! haha
"Mega Deck" and Dining Trailer (will seat 250) should be opening soon
 RBC brothers from Baltimore working through the rain!

Visitor Parking Garage

Vehicle Connector
Phase #1
Phase #2

Phase #3

Phase #4

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