Monday, September 30, 2013

Headed north for the winter!

So, we are headed North for the winter...Somewhere around Tuxedo/Warwick,NY to be exact. It's a small town about 45 minutes north of New York City, NY. Lack of rooming is a bit of an issue at the building we are bringing our own rooming. That's right everyone! Right now we are on the market for an RV. Let the adventure begin! We are both super excited! Looks like we will be leaving in two weeks to visit my dad in Florida, and then my mom in South Carolina, and then head up, arriving in New York around November 1st. Just in time for cold to set in...

We will let you all know how the hunt for a home on wheels goes!

While I'm writing I thought I would include a picture of the couple who really encouraged us to do more in our service, to regular pioneer together, and to think about things like moving to another country, or learning another language. They are an amazing example of sacrifice, and two people who are always looking to do more...even after they reach a goal, they just set another one. They just got back from being in Ecuador for 9 months and we are loving getting to spend some time with them. We will always be grateful to them for their friendship and we can't wait to see what the future holds for them. :)

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